In my years as a working, international professional photographer and now also as a licensed guide, there have been many highs and lows as is the case in all jobs.
Without a doubt, my career highlights are having been knighted and ennobled directly for my work. I hope this section is not seen as gloating in any way.
It is simply a clinical rundown of a few rare awards that were very hard earned through my services and dedication. Yes although I am of course very proud of these awards, they are never achieved alone.
In 2017 I was Knighted into the Order of Saint Stanislaus (Imperial House of Romanoff) and ennobled by the Grand Duchess of Russia for photography services to H.I.H and the Imperial delegation on her historic visit to the Maltese Islands.
Some other awards for my photographic work in 2017 are Medal of the Real Academia Sancti Ambrosii Martyris, for photographic services to the Real Academia Sancti Ambrosii Martyris. On that same day I was also awarded the Medalha Marechal Trompowsky from the Brazilian government in conjunction with the Real Academia Sancti Ambrosii Martyris for photographic services to nobility and chivalric orders internationally.
On the 23rd of April 2019, I received my diploma of Knighthood in to the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. I was formally presented with my letters of knighthood from the Order in the city of Mdina on Saint Georges day by H.E. The Honourable Mayor the Count Chev. Peter Sant Manduca.
Saturday the 26th of March 2022, I received the Jubilee Cross of Merit of the Order of Vitéz. This was for services to H.I.R.H Joseph Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen, Archduke of Austria, Royal Prince of Hungary and Captain General of the Order of Vitéz (Hungarian Vitézi Rend). Services rendered included guiding and photographic services for H.I.R.H visit and that of the Seat of the Order of Vitéz to Malta, of which I am a Hereditary Knight of Grace.
As I never ever take anything for granted, it is with both of my feet planted firmly on the ground that I say, I’m deeply humbled by these very rare and hard-to-achieve honours.
It is important that I point out that at every turn, I often work in with a great team and I have always had assistance from a lot of very good and generous people with time, permits, access, general help and can do attitudes. I will be eternally grateful for all of their assistance.
The Journey Continues …